The Community of Cooperation (KoGe) is the umbrella organisation of eight Swiss member organisations with a Protestant background. We share knowledge, skills and resources and are committed to a common goal: a life in dignity for all people, regardless of gender, origin or religion.

Our Programme

KoGe’s programme spans 37 countries from all over the world, involving more than 130 local partner organisations delivering their work in mostly fragile and conflict-affected situations to especially vulnerable persons. Peace, justice and inclusion are at the heart of our joint programme. We are guided by the SDG 16+ framework of the “Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies”. This movement was co-founded by the Government of Switzerland. The SDG 16+ approach is in line with the DNA of the Community of Cooperation as a network of faith- and human rights-based organisations. It recognizes that targets across many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are closely inter-linked to SDG 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”.

Factsheet SD16+ (PDF)

Our 2025-2028 programme is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).



Annual Report 2023: A Spotlight on LNOB


KoGe looks back on a year full of commitment to promoting peaceful, just and inclusive societies. Our partners have reached more than 800,000 people in 43 countries, successfully improving access to basic health and education services, reducing violence and contributing to the economic, social and political empowerment of marginalised people. The KoGe Annual Report 2023 puts a spotlight on leave no one behind (LNOB). Read what works in education and health and how we can become more LNOB-transformative in our programming.

KoGe Annual Report 2023 (PDF)

Learning Journey on LNOB


On many aspects of human development, the gaps between different groups of people continue to widen. Leave no one behind (LNOB) is a commitment made by United Nations Member States to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities, and end discrimination by tackling their root causes. LNOB also stands at the center of KoGe’s Programme on Peace, Justice, and Inclusion. Underneath questions of injustice and inequality lies the question of power. In our Learning Journey on LNOB we explored the dynamics of power, inclusion, and exclusion. The result are two learning documents that we hereby make publicly available.

Learning Paper on LNOB: Expand your understanding of power and intersectionality and KoGe Learning Brief #1, April 2023: LNOB (PDF)

KoGe meeting on Peace, Justice and Inclusion


On the occasion of its first Virtual Workshop on Peace, Justice and Inclusion on 26 October 2021, more than 70 participants from 16 countries and three continents shared their experiences in working towards more peaceful, just and inclusive societies. This conference was organized according to the Open Space Technology-method, which reflects the concern of the Community of Cooperation (KoGe) to engage with its worldwide partners as actors on an equal footing.

External counselling offer


Our external counselling service offers advice on issues related to sexual harassment in the workplace. This confidential service is free of charge for the employees of our member organisations. We fight against sexual exploitation and abuse, we run programmes against sexual and gender-based violence and we are committed to breaking the taboo of sexual harassment.

New security checklist


Working for peaceful, just and inclusive societies in fragile contexts makes security an important issue for the Community of Cooperation and its members. In 2020, our learning group on good governance developed a checklist of recommended minimum security standards. The KoGe security checklist serves as a self-assessment tool at organisational level.

KoGe Security Checklist (PDF)